Email: salmonarmskatingclub@gmail.com
President: Katrina Markham
Vice President: Jessica Wagstaff
Membership Chair: Vanessa Chapman
Figure skating is one of the most popular sports in the world today. In Canada, more than six million people lace up skates every year, and there are many winter celebrations that feature figure skating. Through the inclusive programming we offer, we encourage people to become involved and stay involved for life.
CanSkate is our entry-level program where basic skating skills are taught to children, youths and adults.
PreCanSkate is geared toward younger skaters that have no skating experience. After mastering the basics there are many options available.
To get into figure skating, FastTrack is a transition program leading into StarSkate, which provides many options for figure skating enthusiasts. Whether for competition or fitness, we encourage you to come out and skate.
Check out the Skating Programs section to find a program to suit you.
The Skate Canada Fee covers insurance and administration fees to register with Skate Canada. It is only paid once per season and includes coverage from September 1st to August 31st. Fees are due before your session begins. You will not be allowed on the ice until payment and registration has been received. This Skate Canada Fee/Insurance is non-refundable.
Skates and Equipment For Skates, Equipment and Skate Sharpening, contact Dave Drake from Blade Runner
KidSport KidSport is a community based sport-funding program that provides grants for children 18 and under to participate in a sport season of their choice. With the help from dedicated corporate partners, KidSport works to fulfill its mission of eliminating the financial barriers to sport participation, ‘So ALL Kids Can Play!’ www.kidsportcanada.ca
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program that helps financially disadvantaged kids participate in organized sport and recreation. We help cover registration, equipment and/or transportation costs. Canadian Tire Jumpstart helps financially disadvantaged kids ranging in age from 4 to 18. Potential Canadian Tire Jumpstart program recipients are selected through local chapters. www.jumpstart.canadiantire.ca